I took this bio from an old angelfire (woot?) account that someone had done. Of course I added to it and kept in the third person.
Based out of Weymouth, MA, Kevorkian's Angels was a grindcore/metal band with very noticeable punk rock influences. The band was started in 1996 by Mark. They went through many line-up changes in the beginning. Brad played drums or bass in the early stages of the band until around 1998 when Mark got John to play drums. They went through a few bass players, no one staying around for more than a couple of months. In August of 2001 Nick and Brad(The Nothings) joined Kevorkian's Angels on bass and guitar respectively and played many shows around the Mass/RI area. In May of 2002 the boys went into the studio to record "The Sound of Modern Hate" which was released in February 2003 on Not Common Records. The band played as often as possible with a ton of local and touring bands. They shared the stage with Cattle Decapitation, Bongzilla, Unearthly Trance, Adolf Satan, Kilslug, Hirudinea, Basillisk, Abhorred and many others. They were a constant fixture in Portland Maine and rocked with local heavies Conifer, Ocean, Kurixis, the mighty Eldemur Krimm and others. In 2006 the band took a break from shows and concentrated on a new cd. They started recording “Disorder is in Order” in 2005 at Acadia Recording in Portland but only had about half the album at that point, so they kept the fires burning and wrote more tunes.
The break was well worth it, because it gave the band time to really flesh out the songs and make them how they wanted them, rather than put it together in the first jam and just keep it that way. “Disorder is in Order” was finished in May of 2008, almost 3 years from the first session. Here’s is Ben Farley from Abhorred’s review…
“Two years later I finally got a copy from my brother John and it fucking slays just about everything that's come out of Massachusetts, ever, and I mean that with no exaggeration on my part.
Seems to be the absolute perfect culmination of the years they spent together as a band, as far as I can tell. The surfiness is still in there, but it's blended a lot more subtly with the thrashy/grindy insanity. Mark's vocals are ferocious. Seems like he learned to perfect the highscream during his time in Watchmaker. Nick nails that shouting scream that he has, the gang shouts sound huge, the drumming is Gillis at the best I've ever heard him...
and the RIFFS! Good fucking god, the RIFFS!
Brad and Mark and Nick are criminally underrated on their respective guitars and bass. Likewise with John on drums, even though he's been in every band you ever pretended to like whenever someone in an AC shirt said he liked your Today is the Day shirt at that Watchmaker show your boyfriend dragged you to.
You don't know what you're missing, both album-wise and live-wise.
I miss this band so damn much.
R.I.P. 2 years too little too late, to a truly unique band.
I am not a reviewer.
Ben Farley”
And here is what someone named poopshit wrote on Return to the Pit’s forum: ”these days i feel like so many people are doing these hybrid punk/thrash/grind/crust/metal hybrid bands. Kevorkian's Angels had been doing it in their own way for like ten years. it's just that they were townies as opposed to all-out-scenester Allston types so they were doomed to never become popular outside of real underground circles.
just think what could've become of them if they were "cool" and lived in Allston and promoted their band to hipster-metal fags and bike messengers and printed tons and tons of t-shirts and gear and and and and...”
"My semen smells like fruity pebbles and bleach." - Nick Kevorkian, in the Chopping Block Alley
Mark had started the band and was the only constant member throughout the years. He had gotten sober and was having a hard time staying that way with all of the debauchery that came with being in an underground band. Add to that Brad was moving to Illinois with his family, so they never got to truly promote and crush people with how powerful the album was. They played their swan song on June 7th, 2008 at the Midway Café in Jamaica Plain, MA with Hirudinea and Noosebomb as openers. They ended their final set with Blitzkrieg Bop by The Ramones, a fitting closer. The bruddahs from the Bowery were a huge influence on Kevorkian’s Angels. Stick to your guns and give your fans what they want. You never left a Kevorkian’s Angels show disappointed. Or sober. WEYMOUTH ROCK
Click here to download Kevorkian's Angels last show
Click here to download Disorder is in Order
Both links are zipped up and link over to Megaupload. You don’t need an account to download stuff.